Well it’s over

28 days ago, I made it a mission to post every single day no matter what. It could be a sentence, picture or quote as long as it was a post. I aimed more for short stories than everything else, because I wanted to see if I could churn out idea after idea.

And I think I did pretty well, I tried to cover a range of genes and I think I became a better writer for it. I was actually surprised at how easily stories came to me actually. It seems like with everything in life, the more you do something the better you will become at it. Even if that skill is just making up stories, day in and day out.

Truth be told, coming up with ideas has always been the easy part for me. It’s the grammar and spelling that I have to triple check, before I send anything out. And when its 10pm at night and you’ve had a long day, the last thing you want to do is stare at a screen for however long. Checking and double checking if something is grammatically correct.

There was no real down side to it, thinking about it now. Just finding the time to do something, when you rather do something else.

Another thing I learned it that there is no such thing, as been in the mood for writing. If you have to write you will write it’s as simple as that. If you are forced to, you will create. It may not be to your liking but you will still give birth to something.

The one thing that I did find funny, is I wrote a lot more poems than I fought I would. For me I could never understand poems, it was always hard for me to figure out what the writer was trying to say. No matter how many times I have tired, reading and rereading great poems. I just can’t get it. Give me a great fiction any day of the week.

Saying that I do not want to take away, from the people who love and create poems. It’s a hard thing to create something of beauty for one’s own mind, with so few words.

What I did was just pop down thoughts that were in my head, I would hardy call them poems. Just thoughts, emotions and ideas. I didn’t go by any rule of poetry, if there is such a thing. I just wrote and wrote. And I got my most likes from the words I wrote like that, so thank you.

Damn the time went by quickly, I fought I at least had another week before my deadline was up. I am happy that I did this, but I am sure glad it’s over. Christmas is coming and I am going to take a much needed break, I will still be posting but not as much.

Thank you, for taking your time to read what I wrote.

Love and Peace



Don’t hang up the phone” was all he heard.

The voice was panicky and rushed, at first he thought it was a prank call. But by the tone and dread of the speaker on the other line, that thought quickly left his mind.

Who is this”? He asked

I don’t know where I am”? Was the reply back.

Errr, can you see any signs or buildings.?”

No it’s all dark, and so cold.”

Don’t panic, what was the last thing you remember? He asked, willing himself to be calm.

I was in a car, then something big hit my side. I can’t remember much after that.”

This sent a chill down his spine, all of a sudden it felt as if someone had punched him with an icy fist straight in the solar plexus.

Do you remember the make of the car? He asked hands growing moist and shaking slightly.

It was a BMW” said the voice innocently.

There was a silence that could fill a million black holes, he couldn’t believe his ears. He didn’t want to, not at a time like this. So much time had passed, he had moved on. Why was this happening now.

Hello are you still here” asked the voice.


How do you know my name.”

It’s Tim, and you should be dead.”





Oh, I guess your not in again. I have been trying to reach you for a few days now but all my calls seem to be going to voice mail. I am sure there is a perfectly good reason for it, so I am not going to panic just yet. Just to let you know, I had a great time last night on our date. I think we really connected, something special was in the air there wasn’t it? I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to do it again, just being round you feels like two puzzles fitting perfectly together”

“As one.”


It’s me again, I got the voice mail again. I am pretty such that you got the last message, but what I wanted to talk to you about is setting a date for our next encounter. I am free most of the week so any time is good for me really. Just need a date from you so I can book this restaurant that I know you would love.”

“Just wanted you to know that am thinking about you. Talk to you soon bye”

So, obviously your phone’s been broken. So what I did was wrote you a few letters in the mail. I also attached a few places that you can reach me, like my email address, work number, mobile number, facebook, twitter, work and home address. Hope to hear from you soon”

Hey again. My family is having this get together and I would love for you to come, low key nothing fancy. Just I would love to introduce you to my family and friends. I know I have not heard from you yet, but when we talk we can catch up like nothing has happened. Speak to you soon”


I errrrr, yea.”

Messages deleted


I am staring at the dashboard, and I sure as hell don’t know how I got here. It’s gone past midnight, and only people looking for fun or trouble are up and about.

 I am looking for neither, just a place to quietly sit and wait for the ringing in my ears to stop. It should have been better than this, is should have been easier. But somehow life throw me a curve ball and I struck out on third.

So now I am sitting, in a cheap ass car which has seen better days. All for the sake of clarity. Whatever the hell that means, I know one thing it doesn’t. Is knowing the damn heater ain’t working, and I am out here in the middle of winter trying to get.

You guessed it, clarity.

My momma was right, I’m damn fool. Should have listened to her, and taken that job with cousin Bobby. Instead I’m sitting here in this freezing car, thinking what next to do with my life.

 It don’t really matter, one way or another. Once I do this one last job, things should be a bit easier. I can sit and think on the pouch where next to go.

I better get to it, I guess. Everyone should be asleep, at this time of night.

Like I said, people up this late are only wanting two things. And I ain’t in no mood for a party.

Remember You

When the wind blows

I shall remember your voice

When the rain falls upon my shoulder

I shall feel your touch

When the sky turns grey and miserable

I shall hear your laugh

When I feel the thunder beneath my feet

I shall smile at your temper

When the sky is cloudless and bright blue

I shall feel your gaze

When the nights are dark and lonely

I shall remember your embrace

When the grass dances back and forth

I shall remember your hair

No matter what

I shall always remember you

Coffe Shop Girl ( Part 3)

He realised they had not moved for more than a few seconds, maybe even longer. “ Sorry my mind wondered there for a minute.” He shrugged embarrassed.

There was a not, so subtle cough behind him in the queue. He tried to ignore it but he could tell she was getting uncomfortable, and he didn’t want that.

Don’t worry about it. Pop in tomorrow and tell me how they taste.”

I’ll do that, anyway have good day and see you tomorrow.”

He walked out the door and crossed the road. When he made it to the other side he stopped dead in his tracks.

What was he doing?

He had made this same walk for longer than he could remember, the same routine, the same sights and sounds and nothing had changed. He wanted more than that, he wanted that women behind the counter . He wanted to tell her that he loved her the first time he laid eyes on her, that she was the highlight of his day. That her smile captured his heart and took it on journeys, that he never knew existed.

He wanted all of that and so much more, and finally today was the day he would have the courage to take it.

He turned and stepped back into the road.

He should have looked left, he should have looked right.

Maybe he would have seen the lights and heard the horn. If his head wasn’t in the clouds where loves resides.

Coffe Shop Girl (Part 2)

Hi” she replied back.

I can set my watch by you” she said with a smile that stopped his heart dead.

The usually please. Have you been busy today?” he said with his heart in his mouth.

Yea, there’s a new store open round the corner, so lots of new customers. Can’t complain though, more customers means I can keep the lights on in this place.” She filled the jug with milk, and her hand brushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear. She had the cutest little ears he had ever seen.

Oh you would never close, you’re the life blood of this town”. Before the last words had even left his mouth he felt stupid for saying that line. He didn’t know what it was, but she had this effect on his mouth to make it say the dumbest things.

You are to kind.” She handed him his order and a little brown paper bag.

He looked at the brown paper bag questioningly, his hand still in mid grab.

I baked you a little something, something. For being my number one customer.” She said all this by looking under her eyelashes, they almost curled back into themselves. He had a name for each and everyone.

Ah errrr you shouldn’t have, really it’s too much”. He couldn’t think of anything else to say, lucky she came to his rescue.

It’s nothing really, I hope it doesn’t poison you.” she replied

There it was again, that smile that captured his heart in both of her hands. It shocked him at first almost as if her hands were cold, then they started to warm up. Sending a warm sensation coursing through his body. It was the same feeling he got when, he drank a hot chocolate on a frosty evening. Only then did he realise that they were touching hands. She was still holding on to the paper bag and so was he, their fingertips being intertwined.

He wished this moment never ended. He knew when the nights where cold and his bed was empty, he would think back to this very time and smile. He would think about how soft her fingertips where, and how bright and vibrant her nail posh was. He would think about all this and so much more, and smile before he fell asleep.

Coffe Shop Girl (Part 1)


Every morning he went to the same coffee shop and stared at her. Just stared, not in a creepy I want to tie you up and stuff you into my car boot sort of way. More like a, I can’t believe you are walking on this earth because you are so beautiful sort of way.

Every morning he did the same ritual. Got up at 6am and brushed his teeth, had two pieces of toast, buttered both sides and was out the door for 7am. He then walked down the same road, with the cracks that would trip you up if you were not careful. And the dog shit that littered the floor and headed north.

He was single minded in his destination and didn’t allow anything to get in his way. He had fought off muggers, small talkers and everything in between just to make it on time. He could have closed his eyes, and his body would have carried him there on time. He would have done whatever it took just to get there on time, crawl, run, hop or swim.

He just needed to see her.

So in he walked at 7.15am and waited in the queue. It was uncommonly busy today which didn’t please him in the slightest. It meant that he would have a small window of chit chat, with the woman of his dreams. Thankfully she owned this shop, so he would also pop in there over the weekend. When it was less busy and they could chat for longer.

Unfortunately this wasn’t one of those days, so he waited and looked at the décor. Which he knew better than the back of his hand and also loved much, much more.

Hello” he said.

Winter Is Upon Us



The days are growing shorter

The days are growing colder

Winter is upon us

Rejoice, Rejoice

The evenings are no longer barbecue themed

The evenings are no longer white wine themed

Winter is upon us

Rejoice, Rejoice

The snowflakes are now falling upon the tongues of little ones

The snowflakes are now swirling being shaken in snow globes by little hands

Winter is upon us

Rejoice, Rejoice

Gather around loved ones old and young

This is the time of year to be thankful for gifts great and small

This is the time to be thankful for one and all.

Winter is upon us

Rejoice, Rejoice